Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Am I the Last Person on Earth to Start Using Ibotta?

You know how it goes--you hear about something, all your friends are using it, but you still don't take the next step to check it out for yourself. I have been hearing about Ibotta for a long time now, especially when I peruse the web for shopping deals. So, I finally decided it was time to check it out. And now... I feel silly for not getting this app sooner.

Ibotta is an app/program that helps you save on groceries, beauty products and a variety of mobile purchases. You can easily unlock deals to get rebates on things you love to buy as well as new products you would like to try. Instead of messing with coupons, Ibotta lets you scan your receipt to verify your purchases and earn rebates (often within just a few hours).

It's Day 12 of using the app now, and I've been able to rack up a total of $18.00 in rebates. Ibotta is different than other similar apps because you can cash out (at $20) for either cash back through payment processors such as PayPal or you can redeem for gift cards (digital gift cards--which is important when you hate waiting!). This is really why I wanted the app. Another program that I used to earn rewards for my precious Starbucks cards has turned upside down. I used to be able to earn a latte a week with that program, now its down to barely a latte a month. Other programs let me earn my writer fuel faster, but I have to wait weeks for the physical gift cards to arrive in the mail. So, since Ibotta is just as easy and I'm earning on the things I already buy, I'm going to be getting a regular supply of writer fuel once again.

And if you're like me and still haven't joined, why not check it out now? It's fast, easy and you'll start saving on your purchases from day 1. You can join now and earn additional rewards for inviting friends and working together as a team to unlock even more bonus cash.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Check it Out: March #PinchMe Samples

Over the weekend I received my latest box from PinchMe and I couldn't be happier about the selection of products I was able to try. Here's the rundown:

N.B.T.F. - Nothing But The Fruit - Real Fruit Bites

To be perfectly honest, I'm more of a veggie person than a fruit person. And in particular, red fruit isn't really my favorite. But these raspberry fruit bites were good--they taste just like a candy gummy, only these bites are made from pure fruit (and in the case of raspberry chia, also chia seeds). I liked them a lot. The packaging was good too, because it had enough to satisfy me without feeling like too much or too little for one sitting.

Pure Leaf Green Tea with Mint

No surprise here--I'm also not a tea person most of the time. But there are occasions when I do indulge, and Pure Leaf has come up with a flavor I truly enjoy. I have always liked green tea, whether cold or hot varieties, but with mint tea, I've never found one that didn't taste like someone swirled a candy cane in a cup of hot water. With this combination, I can enjoy both flavors and the strength of the tea doesn't favor one flavor over the other. I would definitely try this one again.

Sensodyne Deep Clean

After enjoying fruit snacks and tea, it's time to make sure to keep your mouth clean and pain free. Sensodyne Deep Clean is made to keep your teeth clean and healthy while assisting with tooth sensitivity. I have occasional sensitivity, so this is the first time I've tried a toothpaste specifically for that issue. I liked the fresh minty taste, but the product is gel, and I do prefer the texture of paste (or a paste/gel combo). I haven't had sensitivity since using it, but I haven't been eating or drinking a lot of cold products either. Overall, it's a good product for your mouth care routine.

That's it for this box! Check back in soon to see what's coming up next time.